Interview preparation – the foundation for success

Jan 27, 2023

Your professionally designed CV created through our online CV maker has landed you the perfect job interview, but what next? Interviews are stressful, which is why preparation is vital; as they say, "Fail to prepare, prepare to fail." But don't stress; we've got you covered!

So, let's start with the easy stuff, like how not to sabotage your interview right from the get-go. These may seem obvious, but you may be surprised at how often they happen.

Don't be late

Arrive half an hour before your interview. It gives you time to settle down, review your CV, and generally get a little more comfortable in your new surroundings. Besides, you don't want to arrive at the last minute and keep the interviewer waiting while you look for parking or head off to the bathroom.

Dress appropriately

Yes, your ripped jeans and tight t-shirt may look fabulous on a Friday night, but let's keep that look for the weekend. And cleavage and short skirts are also best left for date night. What you choose to wear will immediately create an impression, and you want it to be the right one.

Act professionally

This is not the time to share your best jokes, burb the alphabet, or any other behavior that is acceptable with your best friends. Keep it professional, and don't be over-familiar. And while we are on the subject, remember to be polite, and no matter how excited you are, don't interrupt your interviewer.

Now that we have got that out of the way let's focus on the more serious stuff.

Research, research, research

Researching the company you are interviewing with is imperative. It shows that you are well-prepared and genuinely interested in the role and the company that you are interviewing for. Fortunately, just about every company has a website, and it's a great resource when trying to learn more about what they do, their culture, values, and history.

It is always a great idea to read through the company's values and the job description to ensure that you demonstrate these behaviours and skills in the interview.

Know your CV!

It won't fill anyone with confidence if you keep having to refer to your CV in an interview, so make sure you have it down to a fine art. Take the time to prepare notes about your most relevant experience and significant achievements, and practice discussing each role. In addition, reflect on what you will say when talking about your previous jobs and the reasons for leaving.

Ask questions

There is nothing worse than when an interviewer asks if you have any questions and you go blank. Prepare a list of questions, and if you can't think of anything, you can look down at your notebook and pretend to check before responding that they have covered everything.


Lastly, try and relax. Show your passion and enthusiasm but most importantly, be authentic.